Lot/serial Validation Failed. Please Check Log For Details

This blog provide basic understanding about Oracle Inventory Transactions and Cost processing procedure. SCOPE & APPLICATION - Oracle manufacturing customers, support, and consulting. Transactions - Unprocessed Transactions/Closing INV Accounting Period (TRXN-STK) This document will be used to explain the flow of transactions from the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE to the GLINTERFACE. The aim of this document is to help and assist in resolution of Interface related issues.
'Unable to create a receipt for LOT enabled items gives the following error Lot/Serial validation failed. Please check log for details. 'validation failed for archived log' the time stamp i have checked validation failed. FAILED, see alert log for details. P_Lot_Serial_tab OE_Order _Pub.Lot.
CONTENTS - Q1. What is the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE table used for? What is the MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONSTEMP table used for? What type of issues will you see with the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE and MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONSTEMP tables? What type of issues will you see with the MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONS table? What type of issues will you see with the MTLTRANSACTIONACCOUNTS table?
Where do you find Pending/Errored Inventory Transactions? Where do you find Pending/Errored WIP Move and WIP Resource Transactions? What are the major tables involved in Material Movement for Inventory and WIP Material, Move, and Resource Transactions?
How do you resolve Pending Material Transactions? How do you resolve Pending WIP Cost Transactions? When attempting to load legacy into the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE table, into what column is the PO number input? Why is the distribution account ID required in MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE? FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions Q1.
What is the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE table used for? This is the Interface between non-Inventory applications and the Inventory Transactions module. In other words any other module other than Inventory that wants to update Inventory has to come through this table.
Modules such as WIP (Work In Progress) and OE (Order Entry) first pass their records to the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE (MTI)for validation. There is an Interface Manager called the Transactions Manager (INCTCM) which reads records from this table, validates them and moves the successful transactions onto MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONSTEMP, and submits Transaction workers (sub-processes - INCTCW) which then processes these records through inventory. This process consists of data derivation, validation, and transfer of records from MTLTRANSCTIONSINTERFACE, MTLTRANSACTIONSLOTSINTERFACE and MTLSERIALNUMBERSINTERFACE into their respective TEMP (temporary) tables from where the transactions processor processes them. Both the Lots and Serial number tables above are used when items being updated are under 'Lot' or 'Serial' number control.
Example:- In the case of an Sales Order, the item is being shipped to a client so the lot and serial number if being used, this needs to be updated to show that it is no longer available in Inventory stock. It is important to note that in general the processors will not move the transactions from this table if the following fields are not set as follows. LOCKFLAG = 2 PROCESSFLAG = 1 transactionmode = 3 Q2. What is the MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONSTEMP table used for?
Once the transactions have been passed to this table after initial validation by the Transactions Manager (INCTCM) from the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE a job id is attached and a Transactions Worker (INCTCW) is submitted by the INCTCM process in order tothe get the records processed and moved to the MTLMATERIALTRANSACTONS table. This table is also used by Inventory Module and Purchasing module which writes directly onto this table for any transactions entered within itself and each transaction in turn through a process of strict validation. Inventory Module Forms like Miscellaneous transactions writes directly into this table. The transactions which are done through these form.
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Are on-line processing. It is from here that the inventory quantities finally get updated,serial/lot numbers get marked as being used.
What type of issues will you see with the MTLTRANSACTIONSINTERFACE and MTLMATERIALTRANSACTIONSTEMP tables? The issues can be related to stuck transactions in these tables. The following is the list of errors that you may see in errorcode, errorexplanation columns in the above tables: NOTE: In Release 11 the APP-XXX errors do not show any more.
Similar Messages. Problem in Order Management When i tried to do Order import in Source Org logfiles shows the Message:Validation failed for the field - Ship To, Please if anyone have a solution of this. Thanks in advance. Regards, Rajesh Verma Senior Consultant- Oracle Apps. COLT perhaps you might want to try populating customerid instead of name to make sure that there is no error on typing customer name. Primary ship-to and bill-to must exist under this customer. During order import, if ship-to is not specified then import will fetch primary ST of customer.
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