Bryan Danielson Vs Tyler Black

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This show was later named “Breakout” on DVD based on the idea that this was the breakout match for Tyler Black in ROH. While the Philadelphia match with Nigel probably ended up doing far more for Tyler’s standing, there is no question that this was a big match for Tyler (even in hindsight). The key to the match was that Tyler really took the fight to Bryan and did not allow himself to be intimidated. That really set the tone for the match and made everything that followed much more interesting. They did not pack in much in-ring storytelling beyond that. Mx simulator forums. However, the idea of Tyler really taking it to Bryan and Bryan needing to adjust carried the match.

The finish also felt incredibly appropriate as a result: Tyler connected on the Phoenix Splash but Bryan then immediately had to go to the small package to eek out the victory. Very good stuff overall.

Classic Matches, Tony Kegger. The Wrestling Match Review: Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black (ROH: New Horizons – July 26, 2008). Worth Your Money? Southern Navigation: ROH's Virginia Debut Featuring NOAH vs. No Remorse Corps, Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black, Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jay Briscoe, and More. I watched this match 2 days before Wrestlemania and after it finished it was amazing to see just how far Tyler Black and Bryan Danielson had come. Permalink; embed.

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(Apologies in advance if this is not wanted here) Last night I was bored and thumbing through youtube and saw Bryan Danielson vs. I have never watched any Ring of Honor before, but holy shit man. I couldn't take my eyes off of the screen for 20 minutes. Everything about the match was great and really shows me just how under the bar WWE is in terms of match quality.

My question is: why can't we get more matches like this televised? When I'm watching Raw or Smackdown now, it's pretty much just background noise until Ziggler walks out haha, but I literally could not take my attention away from the monitor watching this match last night. My other question is: Where can I see more like this? I'm looking to get away from WWE as a whole and start checking out other promotions but not sure where to start. And I don't necessarily want to see a bunch of matches with just those 2 guys, I just want to be entertained, and last night that match got me excited in a way I haven't felt since CM Punk vs.

Cena Link to the match below for reference:. That one match is better than 99% of all matches from the last few WWE PPVs in my opinion, that's mainly what I was getting.

I would love to see that kind of fire back in Bryan in ANY appearance he makes, but seeing him in WWE is just sort of 'eh' to me. Personal opinion, I know. I love both Bryan and Rollins, but they just don't entertain me as much as that match did (with the exception of Rollins' 3 way match with Lesnar at RR, that was FANTASTIC).

I'll have to get into ROH then, are there any archives or anywhere you can go to watch previous shows? Or is it pretty much just hunt for them on Youtube/order DVDs?

Bryan Danielson Vs Kenta


Again, this is just personal opinion. I love both wrestlers, but we don't get to see them like this anymore with the exception of Rollins' 3 way match at RR which was ridiculous and best match of the PPV by far.