Hawken Pc Skidrow
I don't like it so far, the new menus looks bad. Like really bad. It shows so obviously that these menus were designed for consoles and it looks cheap and tacky compared to the old one. It is no longer as friendly to navigate in my opinion and the colours are completely out of touch with the game.
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There also seem to be FPS issues? I'm not sure, but the game no longer feels like it's running at 60FPS. I feel like there is some sort of skipping across the screen and a lack of smoothness that comes from 60FPS.
It is nice to see some new mechs, but I don't know how fair it is that some are completely better. I don't know if the G2 mechs can play against G1 mechs, but if they can it seems somewhat unfair considering that some are straight up better. Perhaps only allowing G2 mechs to compete against other G2's would balance them out (However I don't know if this will be an issue, I'm also mainly talking about the mechs like the G2 Scout which seem to be just straight up better).
The HUD doesn't seem to have changed too much, which is nice. The cockpit window seems dirtier, which is annoying (this could be my imagination though). Using the live action adaptation of Hawken to replace the old cinematic intro is cringy in my opinion, the current one tries to make us feel emotion about the pilots which completely misses the point of this game; blowing stuff up in cool ass motherfucking mechs, which is what the old intro caught the essence of perfectly. I do like the tech tree that shows all the mechs, it is a nice move away from the squares. However I don't understand why when they removed the square, gridlock style from how we previously bought/looked at new mechs and then moved it to how we select a mech before a match. This design looked boring before, but now with the mech selector it makes bad use of the colour yellow/orange. I also detest the disappearance of the FOV slider (or it has been moved and I can't find it), I can deal with the disappearance of Physx but the FOV slider is a big no-no.
To conclude, I don't like this update. I'm not a very good player to start of with and I don't think I'm going to be doing any better with players like PigQueen running around with an even better Scout, but we'll have to see how this turns out, whether or not these new G2 mechs are straight up OP. I really don't like the new UI, however if it does mean it makes it easier for the developers to produce new content (since they can keep the game the same across console and PC) I guess I can deal with it. I don't know what's going with the game definitely not feeling like it's running at 60FPS, it's strange but I am confident there is some kind of frame skipping going on. Perhaps this is just a knee jerk reaction to any kind of change to the game, I'll have to see if my opinion changes but so far I don't like what I've seen. Edit: To update on the 60FPS issue, that seems to have disappeared thankfully.
Edit 2: Found the FOV slider, it's in game controls and not graphics (which I am sure is where it was before) Edit 3: Another few complaints - I can't edit mechs inbetween games? Also, no chat box?

So this game has gone full circle from PC port to console then console port to PC, why? The game's UI was fully functional before so why change it?
Edit 4: Just had a strange glitch where when I tried to switch to the Predator I instead ended up with a Reaper with an Eoc Repeater. Also, FPS is pretty bad compared to what it was before. I am also sure that the game keeps selecting a different mech every now and then. The game's UI was fully functional before so why change it? They changed the code base to a more recent unreal engine going to console and kept that one for pc. It's supposedly an upgrade (now pc is UE3.5 from 3), but the old pc UI was lost in the transition (obsolete code base). They would have had to redo everything from scratch in the new engine to keep it.
Hawken Pc
That console UI is fuzzy trash though. Hopefully, now that PC is on the new engine we'll have a proper UI/UX patch soon tm. (Clearer mech selection, with wider grid and custom sorting, loadout edit during match, chat in-between games, more direct access to weapon/items/internals, and so on.) sauce: c05 replying to amid 'After CZeroFive said that the team hadn�t begun to think about GUI changes when approaching the PC patch, it was more or less certain in my mind that we would be subjected to the console GUI. For reasons unclear to me, it is apparently not possible to fork a branch off the console code or fork a branch of the current PC code and apply the console updates to that in order to restore/maintain the PC GUI.
I believe this is actually because the current Howken code uses console code that ADH initially developed and then abandoned, but that�s rank speculation.' . Amidatelion 'Code isn't just a magical plug and play adventure, especially when it comes to Hawken.
The 'PC' version of Hawken was running on an older Unreal Engine version named 'Unreal 3.0'. There is a second version of this codebase, with the name 'Unreal 3.5', in which Hawken was upgraded to. This provides us with the ability to use the much-superior DX11 renderer engine and allows us to have more pleasant Scaleform support.
Hawken Pc Gameplay
Beyond that, there are additional engine features such as HDR we can utilize in the future. Beyond that, there are a ton of crash, performance, and other such optimizations done to the engine. UE3.5 is entirely updated code, and it took a LONG time for the engineers that initially had ported that code over.
It is not something we can just 'swap out with the PC UI', or merge 3 years worth of code in a sane period of time. With that being said, there are too many upsides to doing things the way we are doing now. There are zero upsides in porting over our changes to the PC codebase, and tons of benefits of using the new codebase. Additionally, we are planning a revamp to the UI to make it more PC-friendly in future patches. This is one of our priorities, and we will be focusing on it.' .
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CZeroFive. Relevant: 'We're rolling out the PC relaunch update as you may have seen.
This is not the final version of the PC relaunch update and everything is subject to change. This is a soft launch period that will last a bit of time, and I stress that this is not the final version of the game. There will be lots of bugs, and we will be fixing them as soon as we can. Expect several patches this week and the weeks to follow.
Please post any feedback you have regarding the softlaunch period in the 'General Discussion' area of the forums. We will be working hard with the community on fixing issues that may arise in both the community-run Discord server and the forums, as well as customer support. Thanks for supporting us, and we'll see you ingame. CZeroFive'. The menus suck but the gameplay really isn't taking that much of a nosedive in my experience.
There's not much different anyways, besides not editting mechs. The UI is a goddamn hassle but that's menu screens, not the game UI so I can deal with that. One thing I'm not clear on; do we have to buy a mech along a tree branch to get to the other mechs?
That would be a very poor design choice in my opinion. I'm lucky that I have a bunch of mechs from a while back but short of that, there's really not much I can complain about. It's a lot more friendly to the casual player. Hell, I love the daily login bonuses and little missions that reward extra HC. Makes it feel like there's variation in play, and it really ups the income. Can't complain there, and it'd help me play more often. After playing about 30 minutes last night, I can't say that I enjoy it either.
The UI is definitely designed for console and sometimes doesn't make any sense to me. There is no garage, you have to find a mech in the tree?
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And edit it there? Post match you can't chat anymore and the settings button is just in the way. I also couldn't find the line-up of winners.
Also wtf is with those energy skins?? They completely RUINED facility map. There is no more sub-level. No more jump pad battles in the chimney. No more assassinations from above the hole. The map is thinner.
All around shitty design now. Fixed This is my observation from playing for 30 minutes. Can't wait to see what else has been tampered with. Edit: also what kind of relaunch is this? Why aren't there posts from the devs? Stickied forum pages? Main web page details?
Please don't kill hawken.