Gurps Character Builder
My GURPS character sheets. The material presented here is my original creation, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson. Character Bank? This is a call for comment! Friend of GURPS Matt has suggested a random character generator and we got to chatting; we decided random characters may. GURPS 4e Interactive/Fillable PDF Character Sheet GURPS. As long as you keep in mind that this is not in any way a character generator.
Preamble I've been using this product for years. When I discovered it was eligible to be included in the database I promptly added it and now I'm going to review it before it's had time to approve the image I submitted for it above. There are official character generators for GURPS.

Gurps Character Builder
Steve Jackson Games has released separate programs for and then edition. I've never used these as I don't run Windows unless I have to and this program has been around since 1998. I'm only going to look at the version for GURPS 4th edition. Prior versions are available for free, but were designed for Classic Mac OS, so what they can run on as far as modern hardware is limited.
The Problem One of the major complaints about GURPS is that character creation is a long laborious process. I think this might overstate the issue, but it's not a trivial exercise and it requires understanding of the rules - one can not just wing it very effectively without reading at least. Even those of us that have been playing he game since its initial publication in 1985 don't treat the process lightly. And, like a lot of GURPS vets, I like to tinker and tweak concepts as I go, often changing major parts of the character during the creation process. This means a lot of scratch paper unless you have an automated system to handle the heavy lifting. Enter GURPS Character Sheet (GCS). The Product This incarnation first appeared shortly after the initial release of GURPS 4th ed in 2005.
Unlike prior version which were Macintosh only, GCS was written in Java and designed to run on any platform that supported running java applications. Thus, this program will run fine on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and even a few varieties of Unix and some portable devices. The product supports pretty much all official releases for GURPS 4th ed. The product is also free and open source. The full package takes up a whopping 12.7 MB. So, what does it do? How does it work?
So let's look at someone that should appear familiar to those that play GURPS. Yup, that's Dai Blackthorn in all his 4th edition glory as an example character provided in GCS. It shows all the various bits that the program handles. The player only need to fill out the Identity, Player Information, Description, Attributes, Advantages & Disadvantages, Skills, and Equipment. Except for assigning point to skills, GCS does all the bookkeeping. Advantages & Disadvantages and Skills are dragged and dropped in from a master list, but customization or even wholly new items are allowed. I have not put it through the wringer that is, but I've found nothing it can't handle, and as one can see above, it does handle stuff from Powers.
One can import an image to serve as a portrait. In addition to the native file format (.gcs), the sheet can be exported to PDF, HTML and even PNG. We use the HTMl feature to help maintain a campaign wiki. The Bottom Line One can crank out a fully developed 200-point character in 30 minutes, as opposed to hours. It's that good. It also keeps one from making mistakes, which complex systems such as the GURPS character creation system can sometimes cause due to some silly oversight on a player's part.
Oh, yeah, even though I've already said it before, it's free. Conclusion As I said, I love the program. I'd give it an easy 8. What would make it better? Well, it doesn't directly support, nor. The libraries that do exist are contributed by users, so they could be potentially spotty. These things can be added in, as the libraries are completely customizable, but it'd be some work.
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But I play mostly fantasy, and everything one could want and then some is there. If you play GURPS, you owe it to yourself to at least give this a try. Thanks for reading. In the version I use I've found the following problems (because my group are the type to twist such things): If you get enough Engineer skills, it will improve from default based off another Engineer skill that is improved off of default from the skill it is currently calculating; instead of choosing one to pay full price on. It doesn't handle the same skill at multiple tech levels, it will list them but doesn't handle them right.
Character Builder FAQ

(I forget exactly how it is flawed.) It doesn't use the rule of 20. Unlikely to affect most players true, but knowing the edges helps players know when not to trust its numbers. We've found a few flaws also in the libraries, but have locally fixed them, the above appear to be in the engine/code.
One more thing to watch for, if you build your spellcaster starting with high-end spells, and then fill in until you have pre-reqs, you can hit spots where you may have 2 spells each requiring 10 other colleges, but having only 9 at the time you actually learned it. (or maybe it is 15 other spells, but each counts 14 plus the other one you can't know yet.) - Despite all the flaws above (which are almost all minor edge-cases) this is a very good program.