Magnet Program South Miami

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  3. South Miami Middle School

South Miami Middle School. See parent ratings and reviews, state test scores, student-teacher ratios, academic programs and resources. Compare to similar schools and. Miami Springs Middle School, Get Set Magnet School, Science Magnet School. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

South Miami Middle Community School Center for the Arts County: Miami-Dade County School District Number of Students: 934 Number of Magnet Students: 706 Magnet Students Address: 6750 SW 60th St, Miami, Fl 33143 Phone: (305) 661-3481 School Website: Magnet Website: Principal: Juan Carlos Boue Email: Superintendent: Alberto M. Carvalho Phone: (305) 995-1430 Email: School Board Chair: Perla Tabares Hantman Email: Students served: Hispanic: 693 White: 142 Black 70 Asian: 19 Indian: 1 Multi-Racial: 5 Male: 382 Female: 552 Our Magnet Arts Teaching Team includes: Band - 1 Director Broadcast Arts & Tech 1 Teacher/1Technician Chorus - 1 Director Dance - 1 Director Orchestra - 1 Director Photography - 1 Teacher Theatre - 1 Director Visual Arts - 2 Teachers Names and Contacts of Arts Faculty and Staff: POSITION NAME EMAIL ROOM EXT. Magnet Lead Jessica D.

Valdes-Vega 7-007 2205 Magnet Secretary Martha R. Chavez 7-007 2206 Band Director Francisco Williams 43 2236 Broadcast Teacher Joshua Paolino 214 2255 Broadcast Technician Steve Ward 218 2240 Chorus Director Eric Firestone 7-204 2303 Dance Director Ashley Beckno 263 2285 Orchestra Director Besnik Hashani 65 2274 Photography Teacher Nancy Handler 21 2209 Theatre Director Madelin Marchant 41 2238 Visual Arts Teacher Margie Campmany PT-2 2290 Visual Arts Teacher Cheryl Goodman 67 2275 SCHEDULE OF MAGNET ART CLASSES: Band, Chorus and Orchestra students receive two classes per day; one performing class and one theory class. Students that are advanced with their theory skills, receive two performing classes in place of their one theory class. Broadcast, Dance, Photography, Theatre and Visual Arts students receive two classes, double-blocked, for continuity, subject specialty and time management.

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South Miami Hospital

OUR PRIDE: “ NURTURING THE HIGHEST ASPIRATIONS OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT THROUGHT THE ARTS”. The students who are accepted into the Magnet Arts Program at South Miami Middle Community School Center for the Arts are guided through their specific arts education with this statement as their main focus. Our teachers are constantly working to advance the students in their commitment to their art, as well as being supportive of their academic instruction.

Magnet Applications


The talent and commitment of our teachers, along with the energy, excitement, and enthusiasm of our students, makes for an amazing result. The support and cooperation we receive from our administration, academic faculty, and entire school staff creates an environment of success and unity. A VISIT TO OUR SCHOOL: A visit to our school will excite the visitor as they see students in costume going over their lines for a show, or dancing and leaping through the air in leotards for dance class. The visitor will see students filming, taking photos, and creating artwork throughout the campus, while at the same time, instruments and voices can be heard making beautiful music all over the campus. The creativity can be seen and heard in every area at South Miami Middle School!

South Miami Middle School

OUR SPECIAL ARTS PROGRAMS: South Miami Middle School is one of the most sought after magnet programs in Miami-Dade County. The students come from all over Miami-Dade County with the hopes of attending our magnet program. The audition process is a talent-based process, that is very program specific and only for the truly dedicated. Our magnet students are held to a higher standard, due to the rigorous schedules of their programs.

Therefore, they are taught the discipline that is necessary to balance their talent and their academic schedules so they can be successful and move on to their next Challenge. Our students have been very successful in continuing their dreams as they move on to the high school level we have one of the highest acceptance rates of students applying for magnet high schools in the county.