Witcher 3 Hunter`s Config 0.7 7

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  1. Help - Witcher 3 Hunter's Config Sign in to follow. Who hosts the Witcher 3 config program requires an account to download it which is by no means.
  2. Download W3HC 0.7.2 - Witcher 3 Hunter's Config incl. SweetFX - PRL Waldek torrent from software category on Isohunt. Torrent hash.

W3HC - Witcher 3 Hunter's Config is a mod for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, created. Description: W3HC - Witcher 3 - Hunter's Config is a tool for configuring/tweaking Witcher 3. It only changes the values of 11 INI-files and the user.settings-file.

Witcher 3 Hunter`s Config 0.7 7

As seen here, mods for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt started popping up soon after the release, but a really must have tool surfaced recently which enables you to access the.

So it's only a GUI that makes raw text more readabl To install: Unzip to where your WITCHER.EXE is Typical directories include: C: Program Files (x86) Steam steamapps common The Witcher 3 bin x64 C: GOG Games The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt bin x64 witcher3.exe C: Program Files GOG The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt bin x64. Popular files for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Name Type Size Date Total 7 days mod 516.2 MB 2/11/2018 22.1K 1.4K patch 274.1 MB 30.5K 743 mod 25.6 MB 2/5/2018 233 492 mod 2.5 MB 2/5/2018 202 463 patch 447.7 MB 8/31/2016 121.9K 444 mod 15.5 MB 1/22/2018 3.3K 415 mod 27 KB 7/3/2015 26.4K 321 mod 168.7 KB 1/20/2017 3.5K 319 patch 10209 MB 2.35M 309 mod 1.6 MB 1/22/2018 14.7K 288 patch 5958.5 MB 24K 279 mod 662.5 KB 9/29/2017 1.8K 275 mod 1.7 MB 1/21/2017 6K 260 mod 20.4 MB 1/22/2018 24.6K 246 mod 2.9 KB 9/10/2015 15.7K 233 mod 61.5 MB 1/22/2018 1.3K 233.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Debug Console Enabler V.0.…

Browse By Flair. All things related to The Witcher - books, games, TV. If you can't make a title without spoilers don't post it.


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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - V.1.24 - 1.30

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Please check out Kerry000's Newcomer's Guide to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PDF). Please look at our page before posting. We get a lot of the same questions. Also take a look.

You want to read the books?. If you want to know about a New Game+ mode, go. Official links. Buy It!. You can buy Game of the Year edition on.

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Why specifically there, you might ask. Well, GOG is owned by CD Projekt, parent company of CD PROJEKT RED. When buying there you can be sure that all of the moneys stays in the family. Plus, you get a lot of nice goodies. If you own The Witcher 1 or The Witcher 2 on PC, you are eligible to get a free backup of your game on GOG.com. Life just can't get any better.

Get your product key and enter it. If you don't want to go to GOG, then head over to. Spoilers. DO NOT put spoilers in the title of your submission. Spoilers Tags are active on this subreddit.

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Did you know that we're also on Steam? You can join our group. Want to chat about the Witcher?.

Check out & subreddit for more CDPR games! Links. Yes, I have tried. It kind of breaks the game.

There are all kinds of weird values that I do not understand at all, so I can't really say what exactly it was, but when I was experimenting with the tool, my game just wouldn't run. Also had other weird graphical artefacts. I think maxing out graphical settings are OK. Not had a problem there, but when you start fiddling with performance settings, that is where the trouble starts. Back up your user.settings and your config game folder and experiment away! Oh and BTW, this tool can improve your game visuals quite a bit. The VAST majority of values either do absolutely nothing or break something.

Do not use this tool, if you want to tweak settings beyond Ultra values, the only ones that work are in the user.settings under Documents Witcher 3. The only settings that will bear effect are these (this is my own values that have visible improvements without tanking performance too much): CascadeShadowDistanceScale2=3 CascadeShadowDistanceScale3=3 CascadeShadowmapSize=4096 CascadeShadowDistanceScale0=1 CascadeShadowQuality=4 CascadeShadowDistanceScale1=4 GrassDensity=2400 GrassGenerationEfficiency=0.075 GrassDistanceScale=2.5 GrassRingSize=16777216 FoliageDistanceScale=1.8 FoliageShadowDistanceScale=54 Some I didn't change, some I changed little because past a certain point the performance wasn't worth the small benefit. Basically all we can really change is shadow filtering, grass render distance and its amount as well as render distance for other foliage and their shadows.