Linksys Wag54g2 Firmware Upgrade
Download the latest firmware update. Navigate to the Linksys manufacturer's main website and click the link labeled 'Get Linksys Support.' Select your model from the list of products in the center column of the page. If your router does not appear in the list, try entering the product information in the search field located near the top center of the page. Scroll down to locate the downloads tab near the center of the page and click the link. Click the pointer arrow next to the field labeled 'Select hardware version.' Select the version 1 option, the only option in the list, to bring up the download links.
Linksys E2500 Firmware

Mar 11, 2016 Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 21:22 Post subject: WAG54g2 and dd-wrt: Is Linksys WAG54g2 is supported by ddwrt? I cant find any informations about it's chipset. Chapter 1 Product Overview Wireless ADSL2+ Gateway 1 Chapter 1: Product Overview Thank you for choosing the Linksys Wireless ADSL2+ Gateway. Get help with WAG54G2 Downloads. Thanks you for choosing one of our Belkin, Linksys or WeMo products. These data files do not update your firmware.
Select the first link, labeled 'Ver.1.0.01 (Build 10).' PC and Mac users will use the same link for updating the firmware of their Linksys routers. Click 'OK' to save the file when prompted, and the download will be completed in a few minutes or less. The firmware update has been downloaded and saved to the system's hard drive.
Locate the default gateway for your Linksys Router on a Mac running any version of Mac OS X. Click the Apple icon on the far left of the menu bar and select the system preferences option from the pull-down menu. Now select 'Internet and Wireless' from the Network menu. Click the 'Advanced' button in the Network dialogue box and open the TCP/IP tab. The default gateway address will be listed under 'Network.' Write down the gate default gateway information and exit the dialogue box. Type 'ip/config/all' with the command screen open.
The default gateway will be listed among the IP configuration information. The default gateway information has been obtained from Mac OS X. WikiHow's mission is to help people learn, so we really hope this article taught you what you wanted to know.

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