Sound Equalizer Windows 7

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  1. Apps

How do you get to the equalizer settings in Windows 10? In Windows 7 I just click on the speaker in the lower left hand side of the screen on the toolbar, then click on the speaker, then click the Enhancements tab and select equalizer. Not sure how to get to this in Windows 10. I am running it on a WinBook tablet, not sure if that makes a difference. Any help would be appreciated. Would like to get more bass when I am running WMP and listening to music on YouTube.

I tried some of the recommended locations in the posts but still cannot find it. I right clicked on the speaker in the lower right hand side of the screen and selected 'Sounds'. In there you get a menu with the choice to select audio devices - I only have my speakers so I clicked on them, then on 'properties' in the lower right of this window.



I then went to the tab in the new window labeled 'Enhancements', where there is a little scroll menu. One is labelled 'Equalizer'. Click on this and below some options come up, allowing you to choose pre-defined EQ setups. Clicking the '.' Square allows you to customise your own setup. What a mission eh?

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That means nothing. All other versions prior to now had to deal with less diversity, less advanced features and less bundled drivers to start working just after installation. How many cd's of drivers did you had to install in XP for everything just working? One for the sound card, another for the graphic card, another for the motherboard, for the bluetooth dongle, for the printer. And so on, and of course, a lot of restarting after each hw install. In W7 you just had to install the OS and everything was already working, but sure, if you're looking for some fancy stuff you should then install the drivers from the hw manufacturer, and if they don't have then complain to them, who are the responsible for that, not MS. And btw, I'm not related to MS in any way, just in case, I just wanted to point out that you're complaining to the wrong guys.