Commandos 2 Men Of Courage No Cd Patch

Commandos 2 Men Of Courage
What Is Commandos 2: Destination Paris? Commandos 2: Destination Paris, is a modification of the game Commandos 2: Men of Courage, originally made by Pyro Studios. Most of the original game has been changed, to give the player a new and exciting Commandos experience. Pyro Studios are no longer making Commandos games in the style of Commandos 2, which many people are fans of.
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Heads up about windows 10. Commandos 2: Men of Courage. (Make sure you install the 1.2 international patch or a no cd exe if you are using the retail version.
This mod gives people almost a new game, without having to spend a penny. The mod has been made more challenging, to stop you completing it too quickly, so you will get a long game. It will challenge even the best Commandos players. Nevertheless it's been calibrated for novices and for people that are a bit 'rusty'. Who Made The Mod? Many devoted fans gave their support. To date more than 50 people got involved in this mod.
- The ultimate source of patches & addons for Commandos 2: Men of Courage.
- Download Commandos 2: Men of Courage Patch 1.20. The patch addresses installation issues with certain CD-ROM and DVD drives, some crash problems.
Destination Paris is reborn! Since the late news seem to have excluded an immediate possibility of a new commandos game in the GOS (good old style of Commandos 2, for ex.) we have decided to remod Commandos 2: Destination Paris and give it new life, including some great new missions from other willing modders and the possibility to play the Commandos 3, BEL and BTCOD Missions in Commandos 2! The mod has been revisited under many aspects, it has been rewritten in many parts, below you will find the descriptions. Special thanks go to all the people that kept trying and going through the many limiting barriers they encountered. Extra special thanks to our Chinese Community.
Downloading an ISO doesn't seem to help. Making DP into an ISO also doesn't seem to help.

Pirating a full pre-modded version also doesn't work. Installing an older version of the mod also doesn't work. Patching the game with the international patch prior to Destination Paris modding ALSO doesn't work. So I am running out of ideas. I am super keen on anyone's ideas. I've looked around the web, and it seems like I'm not the only one with this issue.
But it does seem like nobody has been able to fix it, nor offer any suggestions.